Another Possible Celebrity Sighting

Famous French movie star Juliette Binoche has been conspicuously absent from recent tabloids, and it is rumored that she has gone undercover for a role as a world-class scientist. Unconfirmed reports have placed her at an eye research institute in Boston, studying the pathologies of the choroidal vasculature and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). A recent photo suggests that this may be true:

Magali the movie star?

Like Ms. Binoche, this woman speaks with a French accent and does not appreciate being chased by paparazzi. Note the other striking similarities to the talented star:

    A. Impeccably groomed eyebrows B. Miniature disco ball (Ms. Binoche is a purported collector of small- to mid-sized disco balls) C. Lustrous hair
striking similarities
Juliette Binoche lookalike (source: The National Enquirer)
Juliette Binoche
Juliette Binoche on a red carpet somewhere (source: The Internet)

This woman has taken great lengths to conceal her real identity, and even created a phony Facebook profile. If you get the chance, please tell her what an amazing scientist she is, despite having played only non-scientific roles in the past.

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