I looked after Piper for a week while her owners, Michael and Jamie from next door, were on vacation. Piper is a Turkish Angora, has one yellow eye and one blue eye, and is completely deaf. She is the funniest and cutest cat in the world, and I'm always happy when she comes over to visit

White cats with blue eyes often carry a gene for degenerative deafness. Odd-eyed cats (like Piper) are usually only deaf on the side of the blue eye, but Piper is completely deaf.

She looks innocent enough, but there is a beast lurking inside this fluffy little cat. Piper is obsessed with hunting and eating any animal that is smaller than she is.

Here are some video clips of Piper in action. She is a cat on the move - with places to go and things to see!

running around (1.4 MB)

attacking toy cats (1.1 MB)

another attack (1.4 MB)